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  • biographie

Née en 1985, Belle a commencé sa formation en danse classique cambodgienne en 1994 et a obtenu son diplôme en 2003 de l'École Nationale Supérieure des Arts du spectacle. Belle s’est spécialisée dans le « Neang » (rôle féminin) qu’elle a étudié pendant 9 ans, mais elle maitrise également le « Narong » (rôle masculin), la danse folklorique cambodgienne, la danse contemporaine, le théâtre d’ombres cambodgien. En 2007, elle a obtenu sa dernière année en art chorégraphique l’Université Royale des Beaux-arts de Phnom Penh.


À Phnom Penh, elle est chargée de cours à la Faculté des Arts chorégraphiques de l’université Royale des Beaux-arts et chorégraphe / danseuse à Amrita Performing Arts.



Belle a participé à de nombreux ateliers de danse contemporaine à travers le monde et a été une danseuse vedette dans des œuvres d’Emmanuelle Phone, Arco Renz, Peter Chin et d'autres qui ont fait des tournées internationales. Belle a également chorégraphié plusieurs de ses propres œuvres et a été plus récemment une des danseuses vedette de Perséphone de Stravinsky dirigée par Peter Sellars au Teatro Real à Madrid, Espagne. En tant que danseuse, elle a fait des tournées dans de nombreux pays à travers le monde, comme le Japon, les États-Unis, Hong Kong, la Pologne, le Maroc, etc.


Texte brut

Born in 1985, Belle began training in Cambodian Classical Dance in 1994 and graduated in 2003 the National High School of Performing Arts. Belle specializes in the Neang "Female role" was study 9 year but is also well versed in the Narong "male role", Cambodian Folk Dance, Contemporary Dance, Shadow Puppetry. 2007 She got a final year student at the Faculty of Choreographic Arts, Royal University Of Fine Arts.

As a performer she has toured throughout Asia on 2000, for culture exchange. 2004, To Morocco with National School of Fine Arts by The queen, she is a daughter of the King in Cambodia. To performed Cambodian Classical Dance in the ceremony Birthday's the King of Morocco. To Japan twice time, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Poland for culture exchange, workshop and Contemporary Dance. 2005 she went to United States for toured performed Cambodian Classical Dance in six city of USA. Second time on 2006 belle had workshop and learnt about arts with Mr. Robert Wilson Director of Watermill Center in New York. The least she has collaboration dance and shadow puppet with The Sand Glass Theatre in Vermont for toured performed and workshop in USA.

On 2009 Institute France Center in Cambodia were invited Belle to be the residence dancer for 6 months to create dance performance showing for IFC event every month.
Then also supported her to study a short term of the dance choreography class in Montpellier Ex.e.r.ce 2009.

Locally, she's a lecture of Faculty of Choreography Arts in Phnom Penh and a choreographer/dancer at Amrita Performing Arts.
Since then, Belle has participated in numerous contemporary dance workshops around the world and has been a featured dancer in works by Emmanuelle Phone, Arco Renz, Peter Chin and others which have toured internationally. Belle has also choreographed many of her own works and was most recently a featured dancers in Stravinsky’s Persephone directed by Peter Sellars at the Teatro Real in Madrid, Spain.

  • Event

- Belle's create dance for event in Phnom Penh.

- Belle at The Street Dance of IFC project.

- Belle improvise idea dance of Mother.

- Belle in the public.

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