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  • Biography

Photographer since 12 years old. I did a lot of exhibition in France, the U.S. and Cambodia where I am living since 1995. I have a photo gallery in California, I run the first photo agency in Cambodia from 1995 to 1999 and I organize photos trekking in Nepal since 2012.

Photographe depuis l'age de 12 ans. Beaucoup d'expo en France, USA et Cambodge ou je suis installé depuis 1995. Galerie de photo en Californie, 1ere agence de photo au Cambodge de 1995 à 99 et organisation de trekking/photo au Nepal depuis 2012

  • Event

2 books of photography in 1997 and 1998 at Phnom Penh, sponsored by the Alliance française and Total France

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