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Baro d'evel cirk cie

  • biography


(Artistic Directors: Camille Decourtye & Blai Mateu Triassic)


Baro d’evel projects always born from an impetus towards the unlikely, at the border between intimacy and achievement. Each project is conceived as a sound, and physical partition, like a painting, an immersion.

Baro d’evel languages are movement, acrobatics, porté, it is through the engagement of the body, daily training, that begins researches. It is also the material, the object, taking up by the manipulation, diversion, the eye always looking toward simplicity rather than ostentation. The starting point is often a strong scenographic choice, a question on the role of the spectator in the space. Rhythm, voice, sound, have a major role in the work of writing, to place the musicality in the heart of the action and create a direct and sensitive link.


And then there is the presence of the animal, horses are part of the life and company work, this approach takes furthers the questions on the animality, identity, the horse wakes up instinct, the sense of improvisation , it pushes the artists and spectators in a " here and now".


  • événement

2012 Mazùt, auditorium
2009 Le Sort du dedans, show in circus tent, wandering circus
2006 Ï, clown solo by Blaï Mateu Trias, auditorium.

  • link video

et des 2 dernières créations :
- Le Sort du dedans - sous chapiteau : copyright Philippe Laurençon
lien vidéo :

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