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  • Biography


Everything begins in 1996-1997 when the dancers train in the only place which is free access and without constraint: the street. As time goes by, they choose the smooth ground of the square of the Opera of Lyon to improve their gestures and their techniques under the curious eye of passers-by.

By means of exchanges, of meetings and reflections, connections are made between certain dancers and the group Pockemon Crew forms spontaneously in 1999. Years pass and are synonymic of victories. They are, today, the crew the most titled in the world in the circuit of Battles: World champion in 2003 and 2006, European champion in 2004 and 2012, first at the KB Bboys Championships (Korea) in 2007, etc.

Beyond any generational, social and artistic cleavage, the identity of Pockemon crew is based on a real envy to share and to pass on their expertise and the values related to hip-hop. Every member plays an important part within this dynamics, he is source of inspiration within a team with many riches. The perpetual search for creativity in their movements, in combining technical and aesthetic make them iconic dancers of the new hip hop generation.


  • Event

07/28/2013 Vaison Dance Festival - Vaison - France
08/30/2013 Urban Festival - Albi - France
09/05/2013 to 15/09/2013 Games of Francophonie - Nice - France

  • Lien vidéo

Création "Silence, on tourne !"

  • Show chorégraphique évenementiel et compétition de danse :

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