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Philippe LARDAUD

  • Biography

Trained at the Ensatt and then at the National Conservatory of Dramatic Art where he graduated in 1996. Actor, he has worked with many directors and particularly Jacques Lassalle, Christophe Maltot and Jean Boillot with whom he has a true fidelity.


He staged his own shows and is currently heading the Common FC-Factors Company.

He is also a trainer and specializes him-self in the voice work of the actor.

  • Event

- 2013 - "Théo ou le temps neuf" (Theo or the new time) by Robert Pinget, staged by Jean Boillot.
Nest CDN Thionville Lorraine, CDN de Sartrouville, France.

- August 2013 - "Un roi sans divertissement" (A king without entertainment), theatrical drama in three episodes based on Jean Giono. Jean Giono days at Manosque, France.
- January 2014 – next creation: "Les gens de Dublin - un banquet théâtral" (people from Dublin – a theatral banquet) based on James Joyce.
Ici&Là Theater, Mancieulles, France then in tour...

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