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  • Biography


Since November 1999, the agency Paradedesign create installations and light scenography for artistic and cultural events such as the Night of Museums, the Festival of Lights, Les Grandes Eaux Nocturnes, Exhibitions, Festivals, Biennales of design, openings ... in France and internationally.



Its activity, built around an experimental work, combines fabrics and blower to create luminous air shapes which bring poetic universes and lamps distributed to individuals to brighten their living spaces…


All those creations often combining Design and Heritage, dialogue with the current environment and propose to look the places with new eyes…


  • Event

2013 June-September - Les Grandes Eaux Nocturnes dans les Jardins du château de Versailles - France

2013 May – Museums night - Centre Culturel des Clévos - Etoiles/Rhône - France

2013 February - Fête de l'Amour - Kiosque Peynet in Valence - France


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