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Isabel MUNOZ

  • Biography

Isabel Muñoz was born in Barcelona in 1951 and lives in Madrid since 1970.

Isabel Muñoz stands out as an assertive photographer. Platinum developments and extra large formats are favourite techniques used in order to strengthen her message of passion for the body as a means of approaching the study of human beings.

Tango and Flamenco (1989) are considered the starting point of her unremitting search of the sentiments and emotions of world groups and cultures in an attempt to capture the expressions of beauty of the human body. When Muñoz focuses her camera on dancers, wrestlers, warrior monks, bullfighters or deprived children she does it with a strong sense of commitment.

Her first individual exhibition, Toques, in 1986 at the French Institute in Madrid and her participation in the Mois de la Photographie in Paris in 1990, set her international projection as a high profile photographer without boundaries. These will be the first of many exhibitions throughout the main cities of Europe, the Americas and Asia.

Isabel Muñoz work has been widely recognized with numerous honours and distinctions.

  • Event

September 2013 - Galerie Clairefontaine - Luxembourg
June 2013 - Fernandez-Braso Gallery - Madrid - Spain
March 2013 - Duncan Miller Gallery - Santa Monica, California – USA


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