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  • Biography

Binh Dang (1985) a freelance young photographer living and working in Hanoi. While attending Hanoi Industry University of Fine Art, he began exploring himself through photography and started personal projects that helped him to understand more social implications. Recently, his works also moved towards exploring private thoughts where his pictures can become an abstract representation of his mind.

Since 2010, he has been learning photography by himself and has been approaching to become an independent photographer for 2 years ago. He joined in some photography workshops in Asia such as Angkor Workshop, Foundry Workshop, Photography Workshop in The College of Arts in EUNIC’s Open Academy Europe and also get many good feedbacks about his awareness and vision in documentary photography. Now his desires are to reveal different variables of truth in the existence by his concepts and methods.

  • Event

Group Exhibition at the French Institute in Phnom Penh Festival of Photography 2012
Group Exhibition at the Japan Foundation with “Recover" theme in New Delhi, India 2013
Group Exhibition in Goeth Institute with “Autopsy’s day" theme - Hanoi 2013

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