  • មាន​កំហុស​ពេល​ផ្ទុក​សមាសភាគ៖ com_multicats, 1

Chen PO-I

  • biographie

Né en 1972 à Chiayi, Chen Po-I a été formé dans l’ingénierie des océans et a obtenu son diplôme de maîtrise à l'Université nationale Cheng Kung à Taiwan.

En tant que photographe, Chen a vu à travers son objectif quelque chose qui lui rappelle sa vie dans le contexte plus large de la société taïwanaise, et donc ses plans photographiques étaient toujours riches avec le pouvoir d'exciter les mémoires collectives de Taiwan. Chen Po-I et ses œuvres photographiques ont souvent été invités et ont récemment été exposées dans divers lieux à Taiwan. En 2012, il a présenté son travail en Russie lors de la 4e Novosibirsk International Festival of Contemporary Photography. En 2013, Il a participé à un projet d’échange artistique au musée d'art de Xiangning en Chine.
En ce moment, Chen est activement engagé dans l’enseignement de la photographie et travaille également comme commissaire d'exposition. Certaines de ses œuvres entrent maintenant dans les collections permanentes au Musée National des Beaux Arts (Taiwan), Musée des Beaux-arts de Kaohsiung (Taiwan), Musée des Arts photographiques de Kiyosato (Japon), et sont également collectées par des collectionneurs privés.


Born in 1972 in Chiayi, Chen Po-I was trained in the Ocean Engineering and got his master degree at National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan. As a photographer, Chen saw through the lens something that was reminiscent of his life within a larger context of Taiwanese society, and therefore his photographic shots were always pregnant with power to excite the collective memories of Taiwan. His photographic works were frequently invited and had been recently exhibited at Open City: Architecture in Art (Taipei Fine Art Museum; 2008), Stories Developing – 10 Contemporary Photographers of Taiwan (Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung, 2011), Into Society: Critical Realism in Taiwanese Photography since 1990 (Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung, 2011),and YES TAIWAN - 2012 Taiwan Biennial (The National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, 2012). His works came into public notice internationally and in 2012 were invited to Russia to be shown at the 4th Novosibirsk International Festival of Contemporary Photography. In 2013, He participated a cross-strait four-regions artistic exchange project at He Xiangning art museum in China.

At this moment, Chen is actively engaged in the photography education and also works as an exhibition curator. Some of his photographic works now become the permanent collection at National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts (Taiwan), Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung (Taiwan), Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts (Japan), and are also collected by private collectors.

Chen is currently a PhD candidate at the Department of Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering at NCKU.

  • Evénement

2013 TKG+ Taipei, “Romance of NG”, Taipei, Taiwan.
2013 Xiangning Art Museum, “Crossroads‧Another Dimension—A Cross-Strait Four-Regions Artistic Exchange Project 2013”, Shenzhen, Chine.
2013 Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung, “Exploring the Museum Collection. Check-in: Traveling with the Artist”, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

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